East Kilbride Mens Shed East Kilbride Mens Shed

East Kilbride Mens Shed

mens shed east kilbride

Read about what's been happening in the Shed

2023 News - 2024 News

dumfries air museum outing

May 2024 - Dumfries Air Museum Outing

18 members of the Shed enjoyed a great day out at the Dumfries Air Museum. Many thanks to the museum for an enjoyable day and for taking the time to give the lads a guided tour of the many exhibits on display. A highly recommended day out for anyone interested in aviation history.

shop renovations

May 2024 - Shop Renovations

It has been a busy time for some of the members in the Shed this month. We have decided to give our Shop a makeover by moving the store cupboard door, freshening up the paintwork, installing new shelving and adding design features to the walls and counter. We will be launching the revamped Shop at a special open day in July: watch this space for further details.

Wheelbarrow restoration

April 2024 - Wheelbarrow Restoration

In 1946, a young apprentice, John Wilson, was tasked with making a wheelbarrow. As you can see from the orignal picture (top left), it was well used over the years. However, after many years, the wheelbarrow fell in to, being polite, disrepair (bottom left). John's daughter, Lesley, contacted the Shed to see if there was anythig we could do. After many hours of pondering and figuring out the original sizes, chairman Ed completed the rebuild and presented the wheelbarrow back to a delighted Lesley.

West Kirk Brownies

March 2024 - West Kirk Brownies

The Shed were delighted to be asked to assist the West Kirk Brownies in a Mother’s Day project. Following a short demonstration and explantion about hand tools, the brownies were given the task of hammering nails into a block of wood to make a heart shape. The task was completed by the end of the night and much fun was had by all.

Ed Mullins birthday

January 2024 - Chairman Ed

Many members of the East Kilbride Shed gather to celebrate the 70th birthday of our Chairman, Ed Mullin.