Over 100 people came through the Shed on the day, buying many and varied Christmas Craft items from our Shop.
All the material used within the Shed is donated from the very kind people and businesses within the community, which we up-cycle to make the many wonderful items that people purchsed on the day.
In addition to the Crafts, visitors enjoyed tea, coffee and some delicious home baking, made by our members and their families.
As you would expect, these events don't just happen, it was the result of many hours of hard work from lots of members of the Shed in creating the crafts, cleaning and preparing the Shed and attending on the day.
A huge thank you goes to the Shedders and their families for their continued support in making these days happen, and also to the East Kilbride Community, who continue to support the Shed - thank you all.
Proud Shedders showing off the hard work of the members
Some of the many different items that were on sale on the day
A very popular feature at our events is the opportunity to get a caricature drawing by one of our members
The Shed was delighted that local MP Joani Reid dropped in to visit us, and was very complimentary about the work we do
A new meaning to the 3 Wise Men......